No Plastics Marineland Mallorca

9 July, 2019

No Plastics Marineland Mallorca Our challenge balances the balance with the environment, diminishing the footprint of man in the natural environment and helping to preserve the wealth of our planet.  #NoplasticsMarinelandMallorca was born with the passion to combat the pollution of plastics by reducing the effects on the marine environment from our position as a Marineland Mallorca zoo.

No plastics Marineland Mallorca

Pollution by plastics is affecting all corners of the planet, many species that inhabit our seas and oceans are being affected by the overproduction of plastics worldwide. The figures are alarming, almost 80% of the plastic we produce never goes to recycling, degrades in the environment that absorbs toxic chemicals creating an extensive pollution that enters the food chain directly. As a result, millions of tons reach our oceans annually which, added to the culture of plastic from a single one, is generating a great imbalance in the environment. The level of plastic production and the levels of recycling offer a very discouraging scenario that awakens all our alarms.

The result for nature is devastating, 12, 7 million tons of plastics end up in the sea added to the more than 5 billion fragments of plastics disintegrate in the sea, directly affecting the ecosystem and the environment. (one*). About the recycling process, only 9% of the total plastic produced is recycled, 12% is incinerated and the remaining 79% ends up in landfills or directly in the environment (2 *).

Taking figures from scientific studies carried out, it is confirmed that more than 700 marine species are affected by this situation. The scenario is devastating, 9 of every 10 seabirds, 1 of every 3 turtles and more than half of the dolphins and whales have ingested plastics at some time (3 *). Intake unbalances the natural chain, altering the trophic chain between the different species of the marine ecosystem and altering the evolution and survival of the species.

Not only do animals suffer the effects of this situation, the population centers that live close to coastal areas, especially the poor communities of China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam are the most affected by this type of pollution. Exposure to the toxins of this plastic waste generates great health problems with effects that are yet to be determined

The situation worries us and we feel the obligation to share this reality with Mallorca. Our activity is passionate for us and therefore we feel the obligation to take an active position for the change. On July 8 we will open the action against plastic: #NoplasticsMarinelandMallorca. An active initiative for the awareness and collection of plastics to help minimize this dramatic reality and promote balance and sustainability in the environment. Go to our park and deposit your everyday plastic waste where you will find a selective collection point to deposit your plastic caps and coffee capsules that affect our seas so much. Our team of professionals will echo the action and the initiative will be disseminated in the media and social networks to achieve the dissemination of the message necessary for the care of our seas and the survival of the marine animals. As an aquarium and zoo in Mallorca we have a commitment to change and we give you the opportunity to share, join and collaborate with #NoplasticsMarinelandMallorca because the future of life is in our hands.

(1 *)

(2 *) http.//

(3 *) Baulch, C.Perry / Marine Pollution Bulletin 80 (2014)